


【www.zb258.com - 对金钱的看法】


POBOX 745 Xi’anCity June 10,2005A518Charlie OfficeGentlemen, I"ve read your advertisement in yesterday"s Daily I feel I am fit for the job needed in your pany I"m 20 years old and in good health After graduating from a middle school, I taught myself English for two years I studied bookkeeping, typewriting and public relations I"m good at both operating personal puter and English in listening and speaking I"m interested in the position of a secretary I want very much to be accepted by your pany I"ll work hard and I can be a member in your panyYours,

Li Hua



My view on honesty Honesty is long-lasting virtue of people all over the world。 Likewise, it is also one of the deeply-held values of the Chinese people。 Some people believe that in the market economy, honesty tends to be obsolete。 In my opinion, honesty will never be out of date no matter what the situation might be。

Firstly, honesty has been treasured and honest people have been respected through history in all parts of the world。 People everywhere would regarded honesty as a virtue and hate a dishonesty person。 Secondly, honesty is the basis of interactions among people。 People should treat each other sincerely and open their hearts to each other。 Only in this way can the relationship among the people be natural。 Thirdly, in the market economy, some people try to get more money at the cost of honesty。 To them, a best businessman is one who can cheat most tactfully。 Even in this kind of society, honesty is deeply valued by most people。

We can see that not only in history, but also at the present day, honesty was and is valued by the majority of the people and the virtue will not perish so easily。


the doctors professional, very sacred, very strict. abroad, to obtain the licenses of doctors need to spend a lot of effort. in china, large and small, doctors can be found everywhere, and the older the more well-known. in fact, not necessarily those of the old former doctor is a lot of "barefoot doctors" developed, although the experience is his strength, but they lack the guidance of the theory of knowledge. good doctors, to have a broad range of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. in accordance with this framework, the difficulty in finding a good doctor. there are also doctors and medical ethics, there must be strict shendu. now the community "to make doctors" have, in fact, it is also a doctor of no confidence in the industry, as well as their spiritual lives of the doubt.