
钱能买到什么 What Money Can Buy优秀英语作文


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作文对于学生来是说一定是家常便饭了,优秀的作文当中一定能找令自己满意的素材。考试中的你面对作文还在手足无措?这篇钱能买到什么 What Money Can Buy优秀英语作文能在学习的道路助你一臂之力,更多精选作文请关注执笔文学网

Money matters and no one can deny it. We work very hard to earn money, so that we can live the better life. With money, we can buy a big house and eat the food we want, even to travel around the world. It seems that money can buy everything. However, money is also the root of evil. Many people do the criminal things just to grab more money. Money can bring happiness. At the same time it can also bring evil. It depends on people how to treat money. If they feel satisfied, then money can bring goodness. On the contrary, the strong desire of money easy distracts people's attention from the bliss they have.



好学生的定义 What Is a Good Student优秀英语作文

Every teacher likes the top students who can always get the high mark in the exam. So it is natural for people to believe that a good student must be good at the exam. In my opinion, the definition of a good student should not be the one who has the high intelligence. For most students, they are not in the top list, but they study very hard and fight for their goals. The spirit of never give up makes them the charming persons. We don't need the study machine. People always attach the importance of diversity, which means students have different abilities, so we can't judge them by one rule.


2022最新英语作文电影带给我们什么 What Movies Bring to Us

Reading books is not favored by some children, because they will think about the moment of sitting in the classroom and feeling sleepy. But watching movies is a good way to take relax. Some parents think watching too many movies is a waste of time. In my opinion, watching movies helps students to gain knowledge. They can learn the newest information, such as the popular style and the famous stars. Knowing these information is useful in communicating, which helps them to make friends. The most important thing is culture. Children can learn the culture in a vivid way. They can broaden the vision and enrich their minds. Good movies are perfect teachers.


关于为什么越来越多人学习汉语 Why More and More People Learn Chinese优秀英语作文

In China, students have to learn English since they went to school. Some parents even hire a tutor to let their children master English when they are very small. In western countries, a lot of people learn mandarin just as we learn English. They want to master Chinese, because China is the future market. Look back on the past decades, Chinese economy developed so fast that the foreign media were shocked. They predicted that Chinese economy would be N0.1 in the coming year. To learn Chinese well is to seize the chance, so more and more foreign parents send their children to learn Chinese. Some even can speak as well as a local people.
