
有关我的孤独 My Loneliness英语作文


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作文对于学生来是说一定是家常便饭了,写作文并不是一件简单轻松的事。行如流水的作文是怎样写出来的?这篇关于《有关我的孤独 My Loneliness英语作文》的文章能帮助你在写作方面突飞猛进!

Today, my parents go to have an important meeting with their friends, so they leave me home alone. Though my mother has prepared everything I need, I still feel a little sad. I watch the TV and play computer games, but I feel more and more lonely. I realize I need my parents so much. I must learn to be independent.



有关妈妈的爱 Love From My Mother满分英语作文

I always complain about my mother, because she is very strict to me and I can’t do whatever I want. But some day, when I go home very late, she criticizes me at first and then asks me whether I get hurt. I explain to her that I just play with my friends. My mother loves me so much and she does everything for me.


我的爸爸 My Father英语作文

My father is a businessman, and he is very busy, but he will never miss the important moment of mine. For example, when the schools ask the parents to watch performance or join meetings, he always can make out time. When I am confused about life, he can give me the good idea and lead me get out of the trouble.


我的朋友 My Friend优秀英语作文

I am so lucky to have a friend who knows me well. Her name is Lily. I get to know her when I move here and she lives next to my door. She helps me a lot in getting familiar with the new environment. Sometimes we will have argument, but she always tolerant and I am so thankful to her. I cherish our friendship so much.


关于我的梦想 My Dream英语作文

As a small girl, many teachers have asked me what do I want to be in the future. My answer is always to be a teacher. It is my dream and I study so hard to realize it. Being a teacher can pass the knowledge to others and guide them to the right way. Thinking about the great contribution I would make, everything is worthy.


我的父亲 My Father小学英语作文

My father is a classic Chinese father. He doesn't talk much, but I know he loves me so much. One time, I don’t feel liking eating anything because of the hot weather, my father goes out of the house and carry a lot of my favorite snacks. I feel so moved. His love is so strong, I love my father.
