
2022最新满分英语作文等我长大了 When I Grow Up


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每个人写作文都有思绪万千的时候,写作文并不是一件简单轻松的事。也希望自己写做的作文言简意赅?执笔作文网为你推荐《2022最新满分英语作文等我长大了 When I Grow Up》,希望能帮助到学习的你!

Now I am ten years old, I always wish I can grow up soon, so that I can make my own money. With the money, I can travel around the world and learn a lot of culture. I want to know more about the world. So I have read many books about travel. When I grow up, I can start my journey.



那一刻,我长大了 The Moment I Grow Up英语作文

Every child needs his parents when they meet trouble. It is natural for them to find protection. My parents protect me all the time. I can feel their love. But as I grow up, I want to solve problem by myself. When I solve the problem, I feel so proud of myself, and it is the moment I realize that I have grown up.


有关我已经长大了 I Have Grown Up满分英语作文

Last night, there were many people coming to visit my parents and sent the New Year wishes. I made them tea and helped my mother to clean the house. My mother was so happy that she said I had grown up. It is my duty to share the family chores and I am so proud to help my mother.
