
幸运的我 The Lucky Me精选英语范文


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每个人写作文都有思绪万千的时候,到这里来的目的一定是想提升自己的学习。行如流水的作文是怎样写出来的?这篇幸运的我 The Lucky Me精选英语范文能在学习的道路助你一臂之力,更多精选作文请关注执笔文学网

Today, when I go home after school, I find that I lose my key. I feel so worried and try to remember all the places I have been to. As I walk into the shop, an old man stops me and asks if I lose the key. I feel so excited and say yes. At last, I find my key and go home. Though I am lucky this time, I tell myself not to do it again.



2022最新英语作文懒惰的我 The Lazy Me

When weekend comes, sometimes I will choose to stay at home and do nothing for the whole day. I just play computer games or watch TV. My parents try to let me go out of the house and do some sports, but I am too lazy. As I grow up, I become more active and take part in group work.


有关红包 Lucky Money小学英语作文

When the New Year is coming, I am really happy because I can get a lot of lucky money from my parents and relative. My mother will save the money for me. She tells me that she will return it to me when I grow up. I also keep part of the money to buy the things I like. The lucky money makes me have a happy New Year.


2022最新优秀英语作文二十年后的我 Me In Twenty Years

Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them.


我的目标 My Goal英语范文

New semester is coming soon, and I will be a six grade student. I am so excited about the last year of the primary school, so I have made up my mind. I must study hard and improve my English level. I realize master the International language will be useful for me, so I must study it well. I think I can make it.


我的哥哥 My Brother 英语范文

There are five people in my family. They are my parents, my brother and I. My brother is two years older than me, and he is a good brother. At home, we always have arguments, but when we are at school, he protects me all the time. So even though he makes me angry sometimes, I will forgive him. He says he will always support me.


我的新裙子 My New Dress 英语范文

Today, when I go home after school, my mother tells me that she buys me something. The moment she takes out the present, I feel so happy. It is a piece of beautiful dress. My mother told me before, if I do well in the exam, she would buy me the dress. Now I get it and feel so proud of myself.


我的作业 My Homework 精选优秀英语作文

Today, my teacher gives us a special task. It is to communicate with our parents and write down their opinion about the ideal me. I feel so shy to do it, because I know I have made my mother angry many times. But they give me the answer that surprise me. They just want me to be a happy girl and do what I want. I feel touched.


可爱的猫 The Lovely Cat精选英语范文

Today, when I go home after school, a cat follows me as I near my home. It is very small and it has white hair. When I look at her for the first time, my heart is melting. What a lovely cat. I want to take her home, but I couldn’t, because she needs to come back to her mother. Finally, a boy comes to find her and takes her home.


爱 About Love精选英语范文

Recently, I saw an interesting commercial ad. The celebrities asked people the question what would you do for love. I thought of this question for a while and my parents lingered on my mind. I wanted to help them share the housework, so they could be much easier. I also wanted to get progress on my study, so that my parents would be very happy.


我最喜欢的乐队 My Favorite Band英语范文

I like to listen to music very much, especially the English songs. My favorite band is Coldplay. When I hear their classic song Yellow, I will be very excited. The reason I like this band is that they have something different from others. In their songs, they search about life. Listening to English songs also can help me improve my English level.
