
作文题为校园暴力 School Violence英语作文


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School violence happens all the time. The news reported the violence incidents in school and the public called for a harmonious environment for their kids. In campus, there are always some big children want to be leaders of the group, so they do violent things to show power. The small children are easy to get bullied. The root of bully incidents lie in the education and the family take the main responsibility. If children get enough care from their parents, they won't want to gain the power and catch attention from the public. Love can solve most problems and heal people's soul. So parents should pay more attention to their kids.



未来的学校 The Future School优秀英语作文

Today, with the development of economy, more and more children receive high education. The government has put forward the policy to let children get free education until they go to college. It is a good trend that more kids have the chance to improve themselves, because education decides a person's personality and future career. In the future, the school will pay more attention to the students' ability and their talents, so more class will be opened to them. They can choose the class that they are interested in. This will happen since middle school, and students learn knowledge with less pressure. They can enjoy the class.


作文题为陪伴 Company满分英语作文

When I was very small, my parents were very busy, so I stayed in the hometown with my grandparents. When I met problems, the first thing I did was to ask help from my grandparents. My parents realized their problem and decided to spend more time with me, so they lived with me. My mother would ask me to help her with the housework. I learned many basic life skills. While my father would help me to do my homework, or sometimes we watched basketball match together. The time my parents accompanied me let me sense the deep love and care. It is worthy of all the things in the world.


作文题为前进的动力 The Motivation英语作文

Everybody needs the motivation to move on, so no matter what kind of difficulties they meet, they can see the hope and stick to the targets. I have set up small targets for myself, so I can make progress step by step. For example, when I jog on the playground for 800 meters, I will finish every 100 meters as the small target, so I can finish my task easily. If I think about 800 meters at first, I will lose my motivation and give up quickly. Motivation is like the light in the dark, leading us to reach our destination. Find our aim and set up the small plans. We can make it anyway.


作文题为体罚 Physical Punishment英语范文

For the old generation, they trend to do physical punishment when their children make mistakes. They believe that the best way to educate children is to threaten them and then correct their wrong behaviors. But the old way to educate kids is out of date. It is better to guide children to realize their mistake would bring what kinds of horrible results. The way the adults nurture them decides what personality they will have when they grow up. Violence will not solve problems but only brings more negative sides. So we need to be reasonable instead of emotional.
