
作文题为分享教育 The Share Education 英语范文


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I have a brother. He is younger than me. When our parents have bought us presents, I will be the first to take presents, or if there is something to eat, I will make the choice before my brother. My mother educates me that I should share things with my brother. Until then I realize the meaning of sharing.



作文题为未来的笔 The Future Pen英语范文

I love to collect the pens with all kinds of cartoons. I use pens every day. When I buy the pen that has colorful pictures, I will be very excited. In the future, I want to own a pen,which can change the color and pictures. Then when I use it, I feel like owning the new pen.


作文题为惊喜 Surprise英语作文

Today, when I walk into the classroom, my deskmate brings me to a corner, then I see another three classmates are waiting there for me. As I get near them, they take out presents and say happy birthday to me. I feel so surprised and so touched. They remember my big day. They are my best friends.


作文题为教师的爱Teacher's Love英语范文

The day I go to school, I remember that I feel so scared because it is the first time for me to leave my parents. Then my teacher comes to me and smiles at me. I feel so comfortable. She introduces many classmates to me. Then we play many funny games. I become happy soon and feel my teacher's caring and love.
