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My view on honesty Honesty is long-lasting virtue of people all over the world。 Likewise, it is also one of the deeply-held values of the Chinese people。 Some people believe that in the market economy, honesty tends to be obsolete。 In my opinion, honesty will never be out of date no matter what the situation might be。

Firstly, honesty has been treasured and honest people have been respected through history in all parts of the world。 People everywhere would regarded honesty as a virtue and hate a dishonesty person。 Secondly, honesty is the basis of interactions among people。 People should treat each other sincerely and open their hearts to each other。 Only in this way can the relationship among the people be natural。 Thirdly, in the market economy, some people try to get more money at the cost of honesty。 To them, a best businessman is one who can cheat most tactfully。 Even in this kind of society, honesty is deeply valued by most people。

We can see that not only in history, but also at the present day, honesty was and is valued by the majority of the people and the virtue will not perish so easily。

作文题为这就是我 This Is Me英语作文

As a teenage girl, I am so sensitive about other people's opinion. When I walk on the street, if someone is watching at me, I will wonder if there is something dirty on my face. Or if I see people discussing, I will doubt if they are saying something bad about me. I am not confident and easy to be affected by different opinions. Sometimes I think maybe following the crowd can solve my problem, so I start to do something I don't like. Finally, I find that is not me, and I am not happy at all. So I decide to be the real me, and doing what I like. I am so happy about the real me.







她被带到可以付诸入睡,因为她的主人不想让她再去看兽医。我想有一个甜美米妮的个性,虽然。 任何人都不应该看她的容貌她,我想。因此,兽医绝育她,给她必要的镜头。最后,我在当地报纸上刊登广告米妮有趣的前瞻性的狗,品行端正,需要温暖的家庭。






那是当我看到祖父的眼睛是一个乳白色的颜色- 他是个盲人。

作文题为我的偶像 My Idol英语范文

Everybody has an idol in their heart, and some change their idol with the age changing. The public pays more attention to the amusement circle, but for me, I am more favored of the athletes, because I am so admire of their strong will and spirit. For example, the famous tennis player Nadal, who is from Spain. He is my favorite athlete. I remembered the first time I saw him playing tennis match on TV. He was about to lose the game, but he kept his attention and never gave up one point. At last, he won the match. What a great athlete! The spirit he owning inspires me to move on. An excellent idol should have something deserves the public to admire, so the things they present to the public is surely the positive sides. The power of idol is great.


作文题为我的家乡 My Hometown英语范文

Before I go to middle school, I live with my grandparents in the hometown. It is the most beautiful place for me in the world. The environment is so clean. There are so many trees around me and the water is so clean that I can even see fish swimming. Sometimes I will go boating with my friends in the small river. I enjoy the birds singing in the mountain. There will be some special festivals as the traditional culture. Then people in the village will prepare some shows and sometimes a huge parade will be held. The kids will join the parade happily. I love my hometown and no matter where I go, it is always on my mind.


作文题为我的收藏 My Collection优秀英语作文

My father likes to collect stamps. He has collected more than one hundred stamps. I also like to form the habit to collect things, but mine is different from my father's. I like to keep the travel map after I take a visit of a city. These maps are very interesting, who are showed by all kinds of funny pictures, so it is easy to be understood. I was bad at geography before, so when I went to a new place, I would lose my direction. But since my parents took me to travel, I got some funny travel maps from local hotels. I started to learn reading maps and understand how to find the message I wanted. Now I won't be afraid of losing direction. I can find my way by the travel maps.
