
信息和我的生活Information and My Life优秀英语作文


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作文题为网络信息的真实性 The Reliability of Network Information 优秀英语作文

Before the popularity of network communicational tools, such as weibo and wechat, people get used to know a person by face to face talk, but now the situation has changed, the young generation tends to know a person by network social communicational tools. If they are interested in making friends, then they will be friends online first and then keep trace with the former information on the record. It seems that we can learn a person so fast and convenient. However, there is a short video about a girl dating a guy, but the guy did not have any account on the Internet, then the girl felt uncomfortable and started to question if the guy was a criminal. The video satirizes people to rely on the Internet too much. They rather to communicate with a person by the Internet instead of face to face talk, which the latter is much trustworthy.


生活中的新改变 The New Changes in My Life 英语范文

Since I went to high school, my parents moved to the city that was near my school. Moving to the new environment meant I had to give up a lot of things, such as my dear old friends and the beautiful scenery. At first, I learned to get used to the strange environment. When I have time, I would walk around the street, trying to get familiar with the shops and the streets. Then I found some interesting places, like the small coffee shop. The shop had many books, and I could read books there. As I had not many friends, I felt lonely here, but my classmates were very nice, and they helped me to solve problems. Now I have made many good friends and feel like at home in this big city. I will find more surprises here.


自由的生活 The Free Life满分英语作文

Most children don’t like to go to school, and they just want to enjoy freedom and hang out for fun all the time. But when I see some kids studying so hard and their special skills help them to win applause, I realize that I need to learn some skills so as to win more freedom in the future.


生活需要挫折 Life Needs Setback精选优秀英语作文

People always say that life can't goes on well all the time, because we will meet all kinds of difficulties. When we are students, we want to get improved and do well in the exams. When we graduate and find a job, we need to finish the task that boss has assigned. Even the time comes to retire, we still need to find something to do. Setback is part of life, and we should get used to it. When we face the difficult time, we should consider it as a test for us and when we get through it, we will gain valuable experience. The pleasure we get makes us proud.


少点压力,开心生活 Less Pressure, Better Life精选优秀英语作文

Recently, my brother's friend was found in a strange city by his father. The boy was in his second year of college, but he disappeared on his way home of the train. All his families felt so sad and his father kept searching him for more than three months, finally he was found. People thought he was kidnapped, but he told the truth that he made the decision, because he felt great pressure and just wanted to run away. Everybody will need to face pressure, from study or work, but we can't just run away. We can choose to face it with right attitude. Don't be so hard on yourself. With less expectation and pressure, life will be much easier. When you learn to deal with pressure, you have grown up.


关于对我人生的考验 The Test of My Life满分英语作文

There is a small shop around our school and the boss is a very nice person. Many students like to buy snacks in his shop. Last week, I went to this shop and bought some snacks to eat after school. I found my money was not enough. The boss realized my problem and he asked me to pay back next time. Watching his smile, I felt so shocked by his kindness. Even if I did not return the money, he couldn't remember me. But I must keep my promise. When I got home, I wrote down the money and reminded myself. Next day, I returned the money and felt relieved. I passed the test of my life.


关于感恩生活 Be Thankful to Life初中英语作文

When I watch the TV series, there always present the rich family's life, but I don't feel envious about the rich life. It is obvious that though these people live the better life, the cost is that their parents spend less time to play with them. The time to stay with our parents is really important, while the rich parents have much work to do, so they don't have much private hours. I was born in an ordinary family. My parents will never miss the moment when I need them. I am so thankful to life, because I have my parents' love. What's more, I have made many good friends. We share our interest and have a lot in common.

我看电视剧的时候总是会看到那些富裕家庭的生活,但我并不羡慕富人的生活。很明显,尽管这些人生活得更好,但是代价是他们的父母却没什么时间和孩子一起玩耍。和父母呆在一起的时间是非常重要的,而富人的父母有很多工作要做,所以他们没有太多的私人时间。我出生在一个普通的家庭,我的父母永远都不会缺 席我需要他们的时刻。我很感谢生活,我有父母的爱,更重要的是,我认识了很多好朋友,我们分享着我们的兴趣爱好也有很多共同点。

关于美好的学校生活 The Amazing School Life满分英语作文

Going to middle school is the challenge for me. At first, I am so afraid of facing the strangers, and being lonely is the first lesson I needed to face. Then I make new friends soon, my deskmate is such a nice person that she helps me to recognize many classmates and soon I become a member of this big group. Going to the new environment lets me make more friends. We share the same interest. After class, we do the group homework. We discuss about problems and find the solutions. I gain so much knowledge and broaden my vision. I love this school life and I am enjoying the atmosphere.
