
难忘的情节The Unforgettable Plot英语作文


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你一定是为了小学英语作文而来,写作能力的培养十分重要。写作文的你还是无从下笔?阅完执笔作文网的《难忘的情节The Unforgettable Plot英语作文》你一定能学到许多!

I like to read novel so much. I have read a lot of books since three years ago. I find that the good guys always have the happy ending and the bad guys need to pay for the bills. So I learn that I should be a good person, so that everybody will love me and help me. Good books can educate children.



有关中式英语 Chinglish满分英语作文

It is known to all that English is the international language that kids need to learn it since they were very small. As many Chinese kids don’t have the chance to talk to foreigners, so they speak the way with Chinese features. Though it is embarrassed, it is better than never speak out loudly. We can learn a lot from making mistakes. Chinglish may be someday the formal English.


我的爸爸 My Father英语作文

My father is a businessman, and he is very busy, but he will never miss the important moment of mine. For example, when the schools ask the parents to watch performance or join meetings, he always can make out time. When I am confused about life, he can give me the good idea and lead me get out of the trouble.
