
亲身经历的一件事 One Thing I Experienced满分英语作文


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高中英语作文的写作能力是语文学习中的重要组成部分,写作能力的培养十分重要。行如流水的作文是怎样写出来的?这篇关于《亲身经历的一件事 One Thing I Experienced满分英语作文》的文章能帮助你在写作方面突飞猛进!

My parents watched a lot of news and they always worry about my safety. I tell them that there is no need to worry, because the news report about other people's story having nothing to do with me. But one thing changed my opinion. One day, when I walked home after school, a young man who dressed so well got close to me, then he told me that he needed help. He said he lost his wallet and needed someone to give him 2 yuan to take the bus. I felt so sorry for him. I should help him and the money he needed was little for me, so I gave the money to him without hesitation. At night, I watched TV with my parents, the news showed the new trick for the cheaters and it was the same situation with what I experienced today. I realized I must take care.



作文题为难忘的一件事情 An Unforgettable Thing优秀英语作文

I love English class so much, because learning English can bring me a bigger world. It is the key for me to see more about the world. This term, our school has hired a foreign teacher, which makes me so excited about the English class and I cherish every lesson. The foreign teacher’s name is Jane and she is from America. When Christmas came, she gave us a surprise. She brought the desserts that were made by herself to us. We enjoyed her homemade food and listened to the stories she told us about the coming Christmas. It was a special festival for me, which was the first time I spent this day with foreign friends. I knew the meaning of this festival and the great atmosphere. It is such an amazing moment and so unforgettable for me.



How time flies!I‘m fifteen years the long time,there was one thing that I will never forget.

The Spring Festival is our traditional the Spring Festival,people usually visit their friends and I was 9 years old,my family took the bus to my grandparents‘to say Happy New Year to them.

In the bus,I had a good 7:30,the bus came to a woman got on with a baby in her that time,there was no she must look after her baby had to stand next to wanted to stand up and let her sit down,but I was afraid of hearing the other people sayThat girl want to be praised.I looked people were looking out of the windows and some were ,a little boy behind me,stood up and made room for the said Thank you very much with a big boy smiled, I told my cousin about it after that,he said The child is the father of a man. I very could’t I do the same thing as the little boy did?

From that I learn that we should do our best to help people who need everyone makes a contribution to helping others,the world will become much more beautiful!

以我喜欢的事情 The Thing I Like为题的作文

High school life is so wonderful for me, and I have made many good friends. We fight for our future together. As there are so many subjects for me to learn, I spend most of the time studying knowledge. But deep in my heart, I like sports so much, especially tennis. When I knew our school had tennis club. I felt so excited and wanted to be part of it. But the problem was that what if I lagged behind other students in study as I spent the time on this hobby. At last, I still decided to join tennis club, because I wanted to do something special and enriched my high school life. I tried hard to make plans for my study. At the same time, I spared some time to play tennis. I found the balance and enjoyed the thing l liked.


作文题为爱国 Loving One's Country满分英语作文

Since I went to school, the teachers always told us to love our motherland, because we were born here and its culture was very profound, so that we also should be proud of being part of it. I kept this in my heart, but one day, I read some negative information from foreign websites. These articles criticized China and the government. What’s more, there were so many foreigners making bad comments about the Chinese government, some even to criticized the people. But as our country became stronger and more foreigners came to visit, they started to change their idea and fell in love with this big old country. I realized that no country was perfect, even America faced many problems. We have the long history and different culture, which make this country so attractive. I love my country.


做最好的自己 To Be the Best One 精选优秀英语作文

Last week, I took part in the summer camp. The school invited some foreign students to visit and to communicate with us. It was such a good chance for me to practise English with them. What’s more, I could learn difference culture. At first, I was so nervous, but the next day, I got familiar with these friends and I found that they were also very curious about our study. After the short communication, I learned a lot. I knew the first thing I should do was to improve my English. I realized the foreign friends had learned mandarin and they paid special attention to master it. So if I didn’t learn English well, in the future, I would lag behind them. The second thing for me to learn was to develop more interest. The foreign friends could talk about any topic, and I admired them. I can improve myself and to be the best one.
