
以我喜欢的事情 The Thing I Like为题的作文


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语文学习中一定遇到了高中英语作文的题目,优秀的作文当中一定能找令自己满意的素材。百里挑一的作文是如何写作的?下面是小编为大家推荐这篇名为《以我喜欢的事情 The Thing I Like为题的作文》的文章,希望是大家的不无小补!

High school life is so wonderful for me, and I have made many good friends. We fight for our future together. As there are so many subjects for me to learn, I spend most of the time studying knowledge. But deep in my heart, I like sports so much, especially tennis. When I knew our school had tennis club. I felt so excited and wanted to be part of it. But the problem was that what if I lagged behind other students in study as I spent the time on this hobby. At last, I still decided to join tennis club, because I wanted to do something special and enriched my high school life. I tried hard to make plans for my study. At the same time, I spared some time to play tennis. I found the balance and enjoyed the thing l liked.



以我们面临的挑战 The Challenges We Face为题的作文

Since the 1990s, the world has changing very fast. Especially the technology, it goes through our life all the time, such as the ofo, the E-commerce and the online payment. For our parent's generation, most of them don't know much about the technology, so they face a lot of difficulties. As the young generation, we are lucky to have access to the technology and know how to use these advanced products to facilitate our life. The fast development brings great chance, but at the same time, it also means the challenges. It requires the young generation to keep pace with the world, so they need to know more about the world. The knowledge from books is not enough. They need to be equipped with some skills so as to get used to the changing world. The skillful person is always wanted.


亲身经历的一件事 One Thing I Experienced满分英语作文

My parents watched a lot of news and they always worry about my safety. I tell them that there is no need to worry, because the news report about other people's story having nothing to do with me. But one thing changed my opinion. One day, when I walked home after school, a young man who dressed so well got close to me, then he told me that he needed help. He said he lost his wallet and needed someone to give him 2 yuan to take the bus. I felt so sorry for him. I should help him and the money he needed was little for me, so I gave the money to him without hesitation. At night, I watched TV with my parents, the news showed the new trick for the cheaters and it was the same situation with what I experienced today. I realized I must take care.


以责任 Responsibility为题的作文

When I was very small, I always wanted to grow up soon, so that I can make money and make my own decision. My parents were in charge of my everything, so I thought the only way to get out of their supervision is to become an adult soon. But I was wrong. The sign of growing up is to take the responsibility of what you do instead of aging. Nowadays, many adults have been called Big Baby, which means they are old enough as an adult, but they can’t take charge of their life. Especially for the person who counts on parents so much. So I need to learn to be independent and solve the problem by myself. When my parents see my ability, they will be happy to let me go. I believe that every parent wants their kids to be strong.


以立夏 Beginning of Summer 为题的作文

When spring is over, the summer begins. Chinese ancestors found the regular rule and they treated the fifth or sixth of May as the Beginning of Summer. From that day, the weather will become hot and most people start to wash their winter clothes. Beginning of Summer is not an official day that will be celebrated by the public. It is just a sign to show the coming of hot weather, so as to let people pay attention to keep away from hot weather. The old people trend to make some food to keep their body from getting hot, while the young people don’t have much action, and they just get used to it, or when they feel bad, they will take a break. Our body changes with the weather, so we need to make some changes to stay healthy.


以创造的来源 The Root of Creation 为题的作文

Creation has been the most precious thing in our education. The purpose of education is to let a person master the basic skill and then bring some changes to the world. The society develops very fast with the advanced technology. Behind those great changes, many great persons create new things with their wisdoms. It is creation that changes the world and we need the talents. The root of creation bases on experience. When people see the inconvenience of life and have the passion to change the current situation, then miracle will happen. It has been reported that a boy studied in America and he found the great expense of calling home. In order to save money, he invented a software which was free charge to call home. His creation not only brings convenience to others, but also help him start his career successfully.


以美妙的旅程 The Amazing Trip为题的作文

Last week, the teacher gave us a task to write a paper about the old China. I made up the group with another three classmates. As we did not have much information, we decided to take a short trip to visit the famous museum. It took us two hours to reach the city. When we arrived the museum, we saw the big statue of Deng Xiaoping, and his great image made us admire him immediately. There were so many statues and pictures of great persons, who fought for the new China and made what we are today. Their stories were so touching. When facing emergent situation, they chose to sacrifice themselves. After visiting the museum, I learned a lot and had enough materials. This trip was so amazing, I knew what we have today came not easy, so we needed to cherish the life we had.


以真正的美国 The Real America为题的作文

When talk about America, most people will think of the great buildings and the lively parties, because the Hollywood movies present us the strongest America. What's more, the media always report how powerful America is and the foreign media criticize China all the time, so people lose faith about our country. Actually, every country is not perfect. Recently, I have learned a lot about America, which helped me make the better judgment. A video was made by a Chinese student who had studied in America for 6 years. He told people that some part of America was like the big countryside and not every place looked like the movies presented in the screen. He came to the conclusion that perfect country did not exist. So we need to take the right attitude to our country, and don't lose faith when we see the bad sides.


以创新的源泉 The Root of Creativity为题的作文

Many years ago, when I saw a movie, I was very impressed by the words that spoken by the protagonist. He asked the guy what was the most precious thing in the 21th century, the guy had no idea and he told him that the talent was needed. It is true that talents are welcomed everywhere, because they can meet the value that a company needs. So in the job market, they are always popular. The meaning of a talent is the creativity. To be creative, we need to scan overall information, so as to sort out the new point. What's more, we need to take care of the things around us. Someday the idea will come without preparation. If we are equipped with enough information and skills, success comes at hand.


以学习的目的 The Purpose of Study为题的作文

Many students go to school when they reach the age. As the first nine years' education is compulsory, so they treat study as a task. For most students, they don't enjoy study, because they hate to compete with each other and they feel the pressure all the time. The purpose of study for them is to get to the high mark and then enter the better school. This is terrible for students to be the walking dead. The pleasure of study must be found. It is nothing to do with the score. The world is changing all the time. The more we learn about the world, the stronger we are. The way to gain knowledge is various, so don't take sitting in the classroom as the only way. We must know that the purpose of education is to improve ourselves, instead of competing.


以回报父母Return Parents为题的作文

In Chinese culture, it is every child's duty to return their parents as they grow up. The children know their duty and they work hard to give parents a better life. As a child, I was grateful to my parents as they gave me all their love, so I made up my mind that I must earn a lot of money and then I could pay back my parents' money. But as I grew up, I realized that money was not that only way I could return my parents. What's more, my parents don't care about my money, and they just want to spend more time with me. When I grow up, I will move out and probably live far away from them. At that time, if I come home often, they will be happy. I think every parent just want care from their children.
