
关于我喜欢的歌曲 The Songs I Like英语作文


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Popular music is always favored by the public, and I like popular music, too. But I like classic music the most. When I was very small, my parents send me to learn playing piano. The moment I listened to the classic music, I was attracted by its wonderful rhythm. Now, before I sleep, I will listen to some classic music, which helps me sleep well.



我喜欢的运动 The Sport I Like精选优秀英语作文

I love sports so much. It makes me feel young and passion. When I was very small, I have watched a lot of basketball matches with my father, we cheer for our favorite team. I keep the habit of taking exercise every day. Sometimes I jog. Sometimes I play basketball with my friends. I feel so good and I keep the healthy lifestyle.


我喜欢的书 The Book I Like精选满分英语作文

I like reading books so much. My parents have bought me a lot of books when I was three years old. They want me to be interested in reading. With my parents’s education, I am very interested in novel books and I want to write novels someday. I have come up with some idea, soon I can finish one.
