
2022最新小学英语作文宽容 Tolerant


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每个人写作文都有思绪万千的时候,你肯定为了充实自己作文素材库而来!那么怎么写出笔酣墨饱的作文呢?阅完执笔作文网的《2022最新小学英语作文宽容 Tolerant》你一定能学到许多!

My mother always says that I am a naughty girl. When I go out with her, I always make some mistakes. Such as annoying others when they are talking, which is very impolite. My mother doesn't punish me, instead, she tries to disturb me when I want to talk to her. It makes me realize how rude I am. My mother is so tolerant that she is a good mother.



2022最新小学英语作文关爱 Concern and Love

Not long ago, a deputy to the People’s Congress put forward an idea that anyone who abandoned pets should be condemned. A lot of people clap for her suggestion, because they take pets as one of the family members, but for some cold people, they don’t give concern and love to the animals, and they kill or abandon animals at their wills, which causes the public’s anger. Animals have their lives and should be respected. They and human beings are part of nature. We live and die together, so it is our duty to protect animals. We need to create a harmonious society.


2022最新小学英语作文最好的状态 The Best Situation

Though I live in an ordinary family, I am so proud of the things I have. Every night, my father will talk to me before I sleep. I share everything happened at school and he is willing to hear. My mother is good at making delicious food, so I am so looking forward to tasting her food. The life I living is my best situation.


2022最新小学英语作文我的同学 My Classmate

My classmate Li Hong is a very nice girl. The first day I met her, she helped me to know other students' name. Thanks to her, I get along with my classmates soon. I like to ask her to come to my house and my mother likes her, too. My mother cooks delicious food for her. Li Hong is a trustful friend.
