
关于我学到了什么 What I Have Learned满分英语作文


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小学英语作文是我们学习中的一大重点,写作能力的培养十分重要。百里挑一的作文是如何写作的?这篇关于我学到了什么 What I Have Learned满分英语作文能在学习的道路助你一臂之力,更多精选作文请关注执笔文学网

Last week, my mother had to visit my grandparents for two days, so she asked me to stay at home alone and took care of myself. I was very happy to promise her to take care of everything. I finally could live alone. So I slept very late and played computer games for a long time, when I felt hungry, I ordered the deliver food. When my mother came back, she was shocked that the house was in a mess. I knew that I couldn't take care of myself.



关于我的抉择 The Choice I Make满分英语作文

As the winter holiday is almost ending, I need to finish a lot of homework. But every day my friends come to ask me out and I have no hesitation to play with them all the time. Now, I must control myself and finish my task first. So I start to refuse my friends’ invitation and focus on finishing my homework. I make the right choice.


有关我已经长大了 I Have Grown Up满分英语作文

Last night, there were many people coming to visit my parents and sent the New Year wishes. I made them tea and helped my mother to clean the house. My mother was so happy that she said I had grown up. It is my duty to share the family chores and I am so proud to help my mother.


我拥有的幸福 The Happiness I Have精选小学英语作文

I am a small girl and live in an ordinary family. I have many friends and we always play together. We talk about everything and share our happiness and sorrow. Though my parents are not rich, they care me all the time. When I need them, they will stand by my side. I am so lucky to have the happy life and I am so thankful to it.


关于我喜欢的歌曲 The Songs I Like英语作文

Popular music is always favored by the public, and I like popular music, too. But I like classic music the most. When I was very small, my parents send me to learn playing piano. The moment I listened to the classic music, I was attracted by its wonderful rhythm. Now, before I sleep, I will listen to some classic music, which helps me sleep well.


关于我爱喜剧 I Love Comedy小学英语作文

I like to watch movie so much, because I can learn a lot of things. Comedy is my favorite type of movie. Every time when I watch it, I will laugh out loudly. I find so much fun in comedy. It helps me to be humorous and make a lot of friends. A humorous person is always favored by all, as he can bring happiness.


关于我爱网购 I Love Shopping Online小学英语作文

Nowadays, computer has been an important part of people's life. They can use computer to work and talk to their friends and families. As for me, I like shopping online. I can compare the price and then buy the best one. I will use my mother's cell phone to pay the bill. It is so convenient. Online shopping saves a lot of time.


什么是真正的朋友 What is a True Friend 精选优秀英语作文

I have a good friend, and her name is Lucy. We have known each other for more than five years. When I am in trouble, she will be the first one to give me a hand. I am so thankful to her. So when she feels unhappy, I will accompany her. Lucy is a true friend. I hope our friendship can last forever.


关于我的梦想 My Dream英语作文

As a small girl, many teachers have asked me what do I want to be in the future. My answer is always to be a teacher. It is my dream and I study so hard to realize it. Being a teacher can pass the knowledge to others and guide them to the right way. Thinking about the great contribution I would make, everything is worthy.


我喜欢的书 The Book I Like精选满分英语作文

I like reading books so much. My parents have bought me a lot of books when I was three years old. They want me to be interested in reading. With my parents’s education, I am very interested in novel books and I want to write novels someday. I have come up with some idea, soon I can finish one.


作文题为我很开心 I am Happy 满分英语作文

Today, the biology class is very different. We don’t need to sit in the classroom, because the teacher takes us to do activities. We go to a field that is near our school, and the task for us is to observe flowers. We feel so excited and finish the task very carefully. It is a good way for us to learn knowledge. I am so happy.
