
2022最新优秀英语作文真正的开心 The Real Happiness


【www.zb258.com - 初二优秀英语作文范文】

万事开头难,小学英语作文亦是如此,你一定是抱着想学习作文技巧的态度来的。那么怎么写出笔酣墨饱的作文呢?《2022最新优秀英语作文真正的开心 The Real Happiness》这篇文章应该会给你一个满意的答案!

I live in an ordinary family. Though my parents are not rich enough to buy what I want, they give me the best thing. That is love. I have a rich friend. Her name is Lucy. She always complains that her parents are too busy and don’t have much time to play with her. So I am so thankful for the things I have. I feel the real happiness.



2022最新优秀英语作文绰号 Nickname

Nickname is very popular and it presents the good relationship between people. For example, in my family, my parents give me a nickname and they call me with it all the time. But someone calls my full name, who are not so close to me. So when I hear my nickname, I know they are my friends or my families.


2022最新英语作文路 Road

My mother always tried to let me make my own choice. She wants me to be independent. Sometimes I make mistakes, but my parents won't blame me. So even I chose the wrong road, but I learn the precious lesson. It helps me become stronger. Never to be afraid of making mistakes, because nobody can take the right road all the time.


2022最新优秀英语作文快乐时刻 The Happy Moment

Today is Saturday. I was so happy that my grandparents would come to visit us, because they haven’t seen us for a long time, so they carried some local food. I was so excited to eat my grandma’s food. She always knew my favorite food. We talked happily and I enjoyed the happy moment.
