
以农村的春天Country Spring为题的作文


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英语作文是我们学习中的一大重点,写作文并不是一件简单轻松的事。那么怎么写出笔酣墨饱的作文呢?阅完执笔作文网的《以农村的春天Country Spring为题的作文》你一定能学到许多!

一个春天,我去了在全国徒步旅行。这是一个光荣的春天。不排序的春天,他们给我们这些可怜的时代根据本无耻的政府, - 这是东风,暴雪,雪,雨,雪泥,雾,霜,冰雹,冰雹和雷暴的混合物 - 而是一个阳光明媚,蓝滑雪,欢乐的春天,比如我们曾经有过每年定期当我是一个年轻人,事情是不同的。它非常美丽的春天,对于那些黄金岁月正如我wanderwasedanthroughthewakingland,即将到来的绿色andsawtheevendawning,并观看后,山楂对冲脸红,深化下的太阳亲吻每一天,看着老母亲的骄傲树起来, dandling喜欢在他们的强大武器的无数婴儿芽,抱着他们高的软西风的爱抚,他笑了通过,标志着横跨树林地毯淡黄色蠕变,并看到了现场,看到新的冲洗山丘上的新情况,并听取了鸟类新发现的欢乐,并听取了形式矮林和农场和草地的小新出生的事物的胆怯召唤,想找到自己活着,和闻到一股清新的大地,并感到空气中的承诺,并认为在风力强劲的手,我的精神在我上升。春天已经到了我也激起了我陌生的新生活与一个陌生的新的希望。我也一样,是大自然的一部分,它是春天!投标人展开叶和花从我的心。爱和感激鲜艳的花朵是首轮的根源。我觉得在我所有的四肢新的力量。新血脉冲通过我的血管。更崇高思想和高尚的渴望是悸动通过我的大脑。




Who are you? Like a mother(母亲), quietly nourish the earth? Who is? Like a big sister(大姐姐), awakened the world’s everything? Ah! Spring, walked with the pace of light coming in!

For fear that it broke。 Spring is a magician。一眨眼的工夫, the earth is full of fragrant and colorful flowers。 Take a look at that tender and beautiful flowers are fascinated; smell a smell that fragrance of the flowers smell intoxicated people。 It also changed out a few flowers in the small butterflies flying, but also to the vibrant land of a lot of fun Tim。 It is also to support those monotonous increase in the old mulberry tree in large tracts of green – grow a fat, big mulberry leaves, "twitter" the crisp sound of the birds have also come into play。

Spring, a pair of bright eyes。 It is seen in the bent grass, to nature and people’s deep gratitude; it the blooming of the flower to see smiling faces, decorate people’s world; it over the trees to see a lot of greenery, attracting numerous birds of joy; It saw the willows covered with long hair, like a big girl quietly waiting for a loved one child; it also hooks into the water to see a beautiful picture of spring … … Ah! I love the vitality of spring!(我爱生机盎然的春天)

以责任 Responsibility为题的作文

When I was very small, I always wanted to grow up soon, so that I can make money and make my own decision. My parents were in charge of my everything, so I thought the only way to get out of their supervision is to become an adult soon. But I was wrong. The sign of growing up is to take the responsibility of what you do instead of aging. Nowadays, many adults have been called Big Baby, which means they are old enough as an adult, but they can’t take charge of their life. Especially for the person who counts on parents so much. So I need to learn to be independent and solve the problem by myself. When my parents see my ability, they will be happy to let me go. I believe that every parent wants their kids to be strong.


以梦想 Dream 为题的作文

When I was very small, I had always heard many stories from my uncle, because he traveled a lot. So I have made up my mind. When I grew up, I must travel around the world, which is my biggest dream. In order to realize my dream, the first thing for me to do is to master English well, so I spend many hours to learn. I can realize my dream some day.










以爱 Love为题的作文

The theme of love is always around people. It is the power to help people to move on, so when we meet difficulty, love from our families and friends can help us to get over it. Love for animals and nature are easy to be ignored by us. The news reported some people abandoned their pets or killed animals, which was such brutal. What's more, look at the environment we live today. It has been polluted badly. Nature punished human being by all kinds of natural disasters, so protecting animals and environment is loving ourselves. When we get along with animals and nature, the world will become better.






以湖 The Lake为题的作文

There is a small lake in my hometown, which is one of my favorite place. I always go to the lake with my friends. We swim and play a lot there. Sometimes we will go boating and enjoy the quiet moment. Now the lake is not that clean because of the pollution. I realize the importance of protecting the environment.
